Balanced Religion is good. Since minimizing impulsive or calculated hurt is good. Retribution is therefore good.

2020-09-02 19:12 Per Trydell

1. (i) Self-defence. (ii) Eye for an eye. (iii) Spirit of the law trumps technicalities.

2. Punishing balanced on behalf of victims of damage in order to motivate future violators damage causation to refrain.

3. Attempted damage according to seriousness of attempt, counts as real damage in scale accordingly.

2019-11-17 03:48

2019-12-29 23:52

1. means you have the right to self-defense according to the given right to protect yourself from damage; mind you the religion is called balanced. Further if history revisionism or other fake evidence is used to hurt, for example by the legal system, then (ii) above eye for an eye, prompts the legal system to do the same hurt multiplied by the odds (high odds if low chance) of discorvery.

2. means you can punish purpetrators of damage to others on their (the victims) behalf of self-defense, and further to pedagogically explain to future generation that learn from examples when you hurt/damage an innocent.

3. means (i) punish according to scale of probability that the attempt would succeed multiply with damage scale that was attempted and (ii) you gain points of negative damage/hurt (meaning you have already been punished) according to similar to (i) on this line, clean truth.

2019-11-26 08:57

2019-11-26 08:59

2019-11-26 09:00

Regarding (1) in balanced religion, if it can be proven that a person is trying to kill you, seriously attempting time after time, then self-defense means you have the right to attempt that too on that attempter, time after time, regardless if you or that person succeed or not. If that purpetrator visits you home, seriously tries to kill you and escapes, you have the right to visit this person's home doing the same.

2019-11-26 09:10

Guilt Theory

If there were a group of people, e.g. the Nazis, that had at their base, "If one falls, all falls." then what does that mean?

It means that if one of them commits a sin, and is held accountable and goes to Hell, then all of that group will go to Hell.

Therefore, all of that group does everything to keep that sinner from entering Hell.

Therefore, a somewhat controlled impunity lies over that group, the group has to consider not going over the line, but keep it just right.

Therefore all of that group are accountable to the sum of sins by that group, since they are all together on that sinning.

2019-11-24 01:43

Imagine that there is a 50/50 percent chance of an existing God. Do you think he would find it (i) interesting to ogle at all the suffering, that someone else is responsible for and (ii) fool people into believing that they will be forgiven by an merciful God, so as to cause suffering and be responsible for that, and (iii) being responsible for suffering in an afterlife, but that suffering is just an equalizer according to the laws in this text.

Do you believe that God is following his own laws? The laws of physics, with some exceptions (magic)? Do you believe that God does magic to you personally just to make you even more guilty in that you cannot say you did not know there was a punishing God, gloating in causing rigteous suffering and fooling the fools with bogus religions.

2019-11-28 16:06

10 Guidelines, all in the context of balance.

1. Devolution of power. 2. Respect those that respects. 3. Create, evaluate, manage and maintain quality. 4. Forgive sometimes, archive breaches. 5. Live lean. 6. Be careful with your words. 7. Punishment odds reflexion. 8. Be careful, respect evil danger. 9. Look inside yourself truly. 10. Organize hard borders.

Motivation of those 10 Guidelines, also in the context of balance.

1. Power concentration leads to a party with all power and therefore impunity. Impunity and boredom leads to cause suffering by the power party. Thus a terror state for eveyone except the party.

2. Those that respect you should be respected, since it will lead to even more respect. Those that respects rules should be respected, since then they will follow the rules even more out of encouragement. Those that you do not respect, you do not have to devolve power to, since that is a sign of respect. Further, if a leader fulfils (3), and you gain from that directly or indirectly, e.g. prosperity for you by an organized society with laws and enforcement of those laws, then that leader respect you directly or indirectly, and you must therefore by (2) respect that leader.

3. A quality state of mind, should be spread throughout your organization, since it leads to welfare there including you. Producing, veryfying (and giving a tangible or non-tangible credit to quality is important, a reward as opposed to punishment see (7) is a pull-push enforcement of policy or laws), leading and keeping quality has as a result strenghening bonds within your organization, a positive strong feeling. An upward spiral with small or big steps in the evolution of strength in your organization.

4. People that are useful to your organization, but with a debt, you should have a solution ready for them to join you by forgiving.

5. Sustainability long term is good for your organization since it leads to that organizations survival long term. Lean life means you do not waste resources. Resources that are needed for long term survival.

6. Words can hurt. Information is valuable. Your enemy could learn vital things from slips of the mouth.

7. Punish breachers, but with calculated odds of how hard it was to convict them. This motivates breachers to talk, so that the odds are lowered. Makes it easier to punish breachers, and remember punishments are mainly there to educate in the long term, by deterring examples that everyone in the future understands, and therefore helps create a society with less crime, by mitigating the drive among citizens in your society with borders to act criminally, since "I think maybe I should not commit that crime, when looking at the punished examples, since I might be punished because of the crime if caught.".

8. Potent enemies should be respected, in the sense to keep the guard up. See long term, what happens if more power is taken by the enemy by them moving in closer to you. If you do not respect a potent evil enemy, you will probably die because of carelessness.

9. Your inner self contains wisdoms. Write them down. In case that you forget them, and remember that you probably are not alone with your insights or feelings, learn how other people behave and think by looking how you feel and think, probably more near the truth of others motives for behaving in a certain way, than you would get by asking them questions.

10. Borders are in part written and intuitive unwritten laws. Acceptable behaviour is governed by said laws and enforcement too, naturally (see (3) and (7)), and acceptable behaviour is about long term sustainable survival of your organisation. And in part physical borders, see (8), if you enemy enters your porous borders, they will gain majority after some time; further fools and gullible people entering your domain will change your domain to the worse, there is always a price to pay for compassion, in this case those type of people will have voting rights and play a part in society with them fooled by the enemy becoming "usefull idiots", therefore borders to exclude proven naive beings.

2020-07-31 14:13

2021-07-11 13:23